Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares



Our science policy, aligned with the 2016 National Curriculum, aims to cultivate a deep scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding in pupils through the disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics. At Bede, we emphasise the importance of vocabulary, substantive knowledge, and conceptual development through practical enquiries, enabling pupils to articulate their understanding effectively. We aim to inspire pupils to think and behave like scientists by fostering their curiosity and critical thinking skills to enable them to answer questions about the world around them. The importance we place on STEM enrichment is intended to provide pupils with additional opportunities to deepen their exposure to scientific concepts and careers within real-world contexts.



To achieve our goals, we have developed comprehensive unit plans, a skills progression document and work exemplifications. Our unit plans, created collaboratively by teaching staff, provide a detailed overview of teaching, learning and assessment, enabling consistent progression across year groups. Our skills progression document outlines explicit science skills objectives, represented by logos, which build across each year group. This approach enables pupils to explicitly and consistently develop their scientific skills. The EYFS curriculum and skill development is further supported by a strong emphasis on nature and outdoor learning by utilising Forest School activities. Annotated examples of pupils’ work serve as visual models to guide the expected learning outcomes for each unit. Assessment trackers, and the use of low-stakes assessment, support the targeted planning of substantive knowledge across units and the development of working scientifically and enquiry skills.



The implementation of our science policy has led to a structured and progressive science curriculum that supports teaching, learning and assessment. The use of work exemplifications and skills progression documents enables learning to be pitched appropriately and ensures clear progression across year groups. Pupils are developing a deeper understanding of scientific concepts, vocabulary and processes through practical enquiries. Our STEM enrichment activities, including the Science Buddies and VEX Robotics clubs, further enhance pupils’ opportunities for deepening their understanding of science concepts while exposing them to real-world applications of science and technology. Our scientist studies are engaging pupils with varied science careers and enabling them to see these future employment opportunities as accessible and possible for all.


Curriculum Overview

 Science Curriculum Overview