Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares

Off to a Fantastic Start!

Class One have had a fantastic start to the school year!  Year One is a big change from Reception, but the children have settled in amazingly and are knuckling down with their work.  We’ve been learning lots of new skills and knowledge, as well as building on what we learned in Reception.

In Maths, we’ve been really getting to know all about numbers within 10: counting forwards and backwards from any number in 10, recognising numerals, recognising numbers as words, using number tracks, finding one more and one less and comparing numbers.

In our English sessions, we’ve been doing lots of really hard work on our phonics, reading and writing but we’ve also been writing creatively, linking our writing to Little Red Riding Hood. Our big focus is on creating sentences with proper letter formation, capital letters and full stops.

In Science, we are learning all about animals, including humans. We’ve learned about human body parts, the human senses, what animals eat and what makes animals different from each other. By the end of this unit, children will be able to classify animals into different groups.

Our Foundation Subjects are well underway too: in DT, we are creating a moving storybook using levers; in geography, we are learning all about weather; in RE we are learning about Judaism; in PSHE we are learning about relationships. 

Mrs. Gallon, Miss Wright and Mrs. Ewens are very proud of Class One, the kindness they show to each other and how much effort they are putting into their work. 

Starting Year 1