Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares

Iron Improvements

This term, in maths, we have focused on working with three-digit numbers by looking at the value of each digit. We have been learning how to be more independent and have been learning to play different maths games to develop our skills when working as a team.


In literacy, this half term, we have been looking at the story of the ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We have been developing our range of vocabulary so that we can choose the most effective words for our writing. We have loved reading about the Iron Man and have so many great ideas of where we think he might have come from and why. We have been learning to use our school marking code to improve our writing by making better word choices and to extend our ideas.


Class 3 - Autumn 1 - 2024


The children have been developing their cutting, folding and sticking skills during our D.T. lessons. They all earned their ‘Perseverant Pug’ super learning power, as it took many attempts to create their deli boxes.