Busy Bees
Wow… what a half term it has been! Class One have been very busy bees and we’ve achieved all sorts in the last 8 weeks. The children are really settled into our new class routines and have matured so much already this half term. We have had so much fun and learned lots too!
We have had some brilliant events in school, like a puppet workshop based around ‘Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book’. All children had the opportunity to use a puppet linked to Charlie’s favourite pirate book. We had fish, crabs, jellyfish and seaweed!
We even got to keep a copy of the book for our class!
We also had a lovely session with Class Four, who read ‘Grandpa’s Shop’ to us, and we got to take that book home. How lovely it is to share the joy of reading!
The children truly loved learning about Yayoi Kusama’s vibrant art, creating their own art with real pumpkins and using their drawing skills to draw some Kusama style pumpkins. The finished result is brilliant; their pencil control is fantastic!
We also celebrated Poetry Day by learning some of Michael Rosen’s poetry. Our favourite poem was ‘Chocolate Cake’, which really made us giggle! We enjoy reciting his ‘Lunchtime’ poem each day before our lunch!
The children have been doing some excellent learning in all of their subjects.
In maths, we have learned so much: how to read numbers as words, comparing numbers, using number lines, counting on a number square and observing patterns (we have counted up to 70!) and so much more! We have begun our ‘Addition and Subtraction’ unit, beginning by looking at how amounts can be split into parts and using special ‘part, whole’ models.
In English, we have been looking at traditional tales, basing our learning around villains. We’ve been using words to describe a traditional villain - the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood - and the less traditional villain of Goldilocks. We’ve also been doing lots of phonics, learning new sounds and reading new, challenging words. We’re working hard on forming our letters in the correct way. We’ve been reading books linked to our phonics knowledge and have also been doing some great writing using the skills we’ve learned.
In science, we’ve learned all about ‘Animals including Humans’. The children now know how they can classify animals, and they know some or all of the six main animal types. We’ve compared animals to each other including comparing their diets. We’ve also compared ourselves to each other, looking at how many differences and similarities we have. We are more similar than we first realised!
In geography, we have learned all about the weather. The children have been working hard to produce their own weather reports based on what we have learned. We’ve learned all about autumn and the changing seasons. The children have loved spotting signs of autumn and all of the beautiful trees in our school environment.
In D.T., we created our moving storybooks all about Humpty Dumpty! The children did an amazing job at making sliders to make Humpty Dumpty move.
In R.E., we’ve been learning about Judaism. The children have remembered some impressive facts, including what a covenant is!
In music, we’ve been learning to find a beat. We have amazing rhythm! We’ve used lots of different ways of following the beat with our bodies and our voices.
Mrs Gallon and Miss Nicol are so proud of Class One and how enthusiastic and determined they have been. The children brighten up our day with their kindness towards each other, their love of school and their positive attitudes.